As the roach (Roger) explores a world filled with danger at every turn, including rats, garbage disposals, and his own pet cat, Franz, he is constantly being guided by an oracle (who happens to be his mother). His adventure takes him to the basement (which is also Eddie's bedroom), the bathroom, the kitchen, the bar room, Roger's room and finally his research room. Upon its discovery, the locket transforms Roger's soul into a cockroach, and transports him to a mysterious sewer system connected to every section of the bar. But after a small argument with his landlord, Eddie, he remembers a little trinket that he gotten in his early childhood: a bug-like locket that belonged to his dead mother, Angelina. Roger has stolen a million dollars worth of loan money from a science corporation he had previously worked for and is planning to leave for Mexico City to start a new life. The story takes place in a filthy bar owned by Eddie Battito. In the game, the cat's name is Franz and the main character Roger Samms is a play on the lead character in Metamorphosis ( Gregor Samsa). The storyline in Bad Mojo is loosely based on Franz Kafka's The Metamorphosis. Got Game Entertainment re-released the game in December 2004 as Bad Mojo Redux, packaging it with a DVD containing a variety of extra material.
Bad mojo synonym series#
The gameplay consists of guiding the cockroach through a series of puzzles. An accident with his mother's enchanted locket unleashes the bad mojo, turning him into a cockroach. The player is cast as Roger Samms, an entomologist planning to embezzle money from a research grant to escape his sordid life above an abandoned bar. 63–64.Bad Mojo is a computer game by Pulse Entertainment, released in 1996. New York: Indiana University Press, 2002. 'How Hoodoo Lost His hand.' From My People: 400 Years of African American Folklore. 'The Mojo.' From My People: 400 Years of African American Folklore. 'Contemporary Patterns of Malign Occultism among Negroes in North Carolina.' Journal of American Folklore 75.298: 312–318. Magic's in the Bag: Creating Spellbinding Gris Gris and Sachets.

As a result, the Pharaoh's snake was killed by Moses's snake, and that is how Hoodoo lost his hand. When he turned it into a snake, the pharaoh made his soothsayers and magicians create the same effect. It described how 'Hoodoo Lost his Hand', as Moses's mojo was hidden through his staff. A story from the book From My People described the story of Moses and the task he went through to bring his people out of slavery.

Depending on the type of mojo, the hiding place will be crucial to its success, as those who make conjure bags to carry love spells sometimes specify that the mojo must be worn next to the skin. They are also commonly pinned to clothes below the waist. Men usually keep the trinkets hidden in the pants pocket, while women are more prone to clip it to the bra. Mojos are traditionally made for an individual and so must be concealed on the person at all times.